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This is Magic but I call her Maggie ,another rescue dog been with us for 10 years.Shes looking for a second breakfast.she is Lab and Jack Russell
This is Precious ,the wife brought her in when I was working in Africa,when I came home for a visit she wouldn't let me in the house,she's 11,the both of them are my "D-Fol Patrol" team cause they love the fresh leaves,not bud so much,I was in between grows one time and they would not eat dried and cured,oh they were pissed!!
I wish I knew how to capture just part of a clip on YouTube. Hopefully linking to the part in the episode will work...this scene with the police interviewing him just cracked me up...


I Wandered lonely as a cloud of smoke
That floats really high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a pot head crowd ,
And a host, of golden toking girls;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Chatting and smoking in the breeze.
Morning canna folk! how is going this fine Sunday? Lots to do, tidying up the garage, sweepin it out and tossing some older gardening pots and stuff. Going to make some canna olive oil today and end up with Holy anointing oil, with added myrr oil, cinnamon oil and cassia oil. this stuff is better than noesporin and it has healed skin cancer, diabetic lesions, infections, toe fungus just a whole bunch of stuff. If you make it strong, it will even get you stoned just from rubbing it on your skin.
The Japanese used to put canna in pots, fill it with oil and let it bake in the sun and use it for those things. 10000 BC!! Amazing medical properties! Aztec indians use to do the same. Alot of lost healing arts from eons back! Have a great day all and make it a good one!
Morning canna folk! how is going this fine Sunday? Lots to do, tidying up the garage, sweepin it out and tossing some older gardening pots and stuff. Going to make some canna olive oil today and end up with Holy anointing oil, with added myrr oil, cinnamon oil and cassia oil. this stuff is better than noesporin and it has healed skin cancer, diabetic lesions, infections, toe fungus just a whole bunch of stuff. If you make it strong, it will even get you stoned just from rubbing it on your skin.
The Japanese used to put canna in pots, fill it with oil and let it bake in the sun and use it for those things. 10000 BC!! Amazing medical properties! Aztec indians use to do the same. Alot of lost healing arts from eons back! Have a great day all and make it a good one!
love it bro... thats awesome
Ive got a ton of stories, from what my "friends" would do to me when i had passed out from booze or just wrecked on other drugs. I'm gonna share a story every once in awhile from my drunken, drug escapades. Some will be funny, some sad... im gonna start off with a rather "innocent" story...
My best mate when i was 13, was a brittish guy called Azz. A LOT of my stories involve Azz, we LOVED getting wrecked together. We would do pretty much anything we could get our hands on, booze, speed, glue, shrooms, acid, weed, shit loads of different pharmaceuticals... Azz' mom was Welsh and owned a small brittish style pub, Azz and his mom lived in a flat right on top of the bar. Azz always robbed the bar for booze, and we would get litres of beer and wine to fuck us up properly... This particular day i had started the day off with some heavy 'oxycontin' pharmaceuticals (morphine based) before i had even met up with Azz. We were a group of 5-6 friends getting fucked at his place.. I would always be the person who'd get the most fucked up the fastast at this time, and i had drank like 10 beers, some wine and even a couple of joints had circulated. Well, the time couldnt have been more than like 4PM before i had passed out cold in his bed... Eventhough i was passed out, i could hear something going on but i had no clue what they were doing, i even mumbled something like "stop it, i know what youre doing" but i had no idea and just drifted back into sleep.
I woke up some hours later all alone in his apartment, with no memory of what had happened, so i called Azz to see where they were. He told me they were at the pub downstairs, that they had snuck in the back and that i should come...
I hurried downstairs, and thought that i might aswell take the front entrance and just quickly sneak past the bar and i'll probably not get thrown out...
Well i opened the door to the crowded pub and immediately it went Dead silent and all eyes turned towards me. I immediately understod something was wrong but i had no clue what, so i just started walking slowly trying to seem like i havent done anything. And i only get a few meters before half the bar starts laughing like crazy, and thats when i see my mirror image in the menu at the bar...
They had clean shaved my head and face with a razor... I had no Hair on my head, no eyebrows, no nothing... And they had drawn dicks and swastikas all over my face. Those feckin cunts!! It took me months for my eyebrows to grow back :cuss:
I got the nickname cancer kid which stuck for some time.
gee, great nickname, not, lol
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