a real bummer to be on the radar
yup total bummer, got to move.

Got away with it for 10 years.
work needed doing on the house, so I shut down, moved the grow in full flower to a mates house.
Came back home one day and had the tiniest bit of weed smell on me and the moment I reached the front door, it opened an there was my landlord.
Then months of them being total C***** I even heard then discussing it (I became an expert eves dropper) old school , old farts, hate weed or any thing drug related.
To them it was like a jolly to them, made their lives more interesting but in the end I prevailed and they thought they were mistaken or I knew how to play the game too well (over heard them saying this)..
This doesn't mean the all clear, just that they didn't catch me.
So I'm going micro, if anybody want's to come in my flat, I need notice!
Once notice is given the pc case gets pallet wrapped and stuck in a suitcase and wheeled off!
Ideally I will move house but that's gonna take time and money.