@arty zan however i kinda like the Idea of having reusable filters, does it differ at all from using a paper roach? As in the "experience" when smoking, i'm asking because i'm an old school joint smoker but i do realise that all those Rolling papers i burn each week isnt really that Eco-friendly... Maybe you havent tried them yet but i wouldnt mind a "product review"!
ChillFred you've called me out! lol
What can I say? well I'll say this "I love Weed" and I also like to collect paraphernalia, Who knows maybe these will be collectable one day. They are kept in a bubble wrap bag to keep the tin nice.
I recon if I still smoke spliffs they would have had an outing, but since giving up tobacco and becoming an avid vaper, the situation hasn't arisen.
I guess if I built a blunt (with tobacco free blunt wraps) then they might get a spin.
I'll still hit a bong or do a dab but for the majority of the time I like to vape.
Gold papers now that is a step too far. If I did buy them they'd go straight into storage and I'd shoot anyone lighting one up. It is ideas like this that don't last long and them that do buy them will most probably smoke them. It is items like this that will become highly collectable.
What with the increasing availability of cannabis paraphernalia and as the laws governing it around the World change, people will collect more cannabis goodies.
For anyone who has seen American pickers, cannabis collectables I am thinking will become more sought after, in the future.
I already collect vintage cannabis comix, cannabis magazines, cannabis books, Grinder cards (think some of these will be v collectable, some not so much) as well as a load of other bits and pieces.
If anyone has something cool cannabis related or a cannabis collection be sure to post a pic, who know some of us may be sitting on a future gold mine!