Good Morning Chumlies
Another outrageously fab day outside, just how I like em!
Oh bugger we missed it!!!!!!! Monday was
World Penguin Day! still doesn't mean we can't have a lil bit of fun at their expense though!!
Actually, it was one of two days dedicated to the adorable, waddling birds. April 25 is World Penguin Day while January 20th is Penguin Awareness Day.
In addition to two penguin days, there are believed to be 17 penguin species, ranging from the Little Blue Penguin to the mighty Emperor Penguin. And several of these are threatened by climate change.
OMG seriously, what are we like??? No point on relying on eP to let us know, it's like when people don't tell you it's their Birthday, they just don'y want the fuss!
Who can blame him, after all who invented the stupid idea of it's your Birthday so you buy everyone a cake (haddock if your a penguin) in the office.
In honor of everyone’s favorite tuxedo-ed bird, Why not paste the funniest pics of those lovable birds you can find.
I know we aint running the caption comp currently but why not just write something sarcastic ,pithy, pertinent, or just plain ridiculous about these fish munching menaces (haha just a usual day at the office then)
We can't let World penguin day slip away without the old bird catching a bit of stick.
There aint no stinking prizes for this one folks, this just for ships and giggles and a chance to poke a bit of fun at these monochrome purveyors of fishy filth.
Ummm..."dumb penguin" I seriously forgot to tell AFN it was World Penguin Day!!
I aint dancing and singing for any stinking body. Grumpy feet , now that's more like it. Hurumph!
hahahahahahaha! lmao bob you twat.
Your gonna have a nasty bump on your head, let me get you an ice pack for that hehe