Auto Halibut (an imaginary strain for them who like it fishy)
10 pack of fems from fishy fiend seeds £20.00
SeedBank :
Name - fishy fiend seeds
Auto Halibut
Did it autoflower?: Y
Soil/hydro: soil is made from penguin poop
Description A mostly indica strain crossed with Alaskan Ruderalis for that Auto goodness
Nutes: Penguin poop, fish mix & blood fish and bone meal
Description/look Unusual black and white buds with bright yellow pistils, very sticky
Light (kind and schedule): Arctic 12/12 at spring equinox 24/0 mid summer and 12/12 vernal equinox
Description of aroma smells to high heaven a true connoisseurs smoke and truly a taste to be acquired. If you like stanky weed which has a fishy odor with a hit of Ozone and Ammonia, well your in for a treat.
From seed to harvest date: __days 60 germ to harvest 3 crops possible in one summer
Dry Yield: _g 200g per plant
High/Effect Duration: A huge indica kick , lots of energy at first leading to a paralyzing couch lock. Duration 3 hours
Description of high Gives you monochromatic vision, all your mates look black and white and seem to have ice cream cornet cones stuck to their faces. Waddling as you lose the feeling in your legs.Massive munchies with a craving for anchovies.
In-depth This is one smoke you will never forget. It is the marmite of the cannabis world. It can make you feel belligerent and a lil grumpy but on the hole it will make you feel like your gliding through an aqua marine wonderland, very chilled and relaxiing. For some the taste may make them gag where other will think it tastes more like a deliscious plate of sashimi and whelks with a hint of sea anemonie.
RATE SCALE: ***** if you like fish *if you don't like fish
Description Those black and white nugs look so appealing and are completely covered in crystals, some say they look like they are encrusted in salt.Be careful when opening this stuff kicks like a mule!! Hold your nose and gently let a bit of the smell in your nose first ,be fore warned!
Description of growth Growth can vary a bit all depending how much penguin poop you can get hold of. If you have plenty then these bad boys will put on a massive amount of bud, truly astonishing yields.
THE SMELL: *****
Best have a clothes peg at hand. Honestly poohwee this stuff pongs, stanky stanky weed. Fishy tones with ozone a real nose twitcher, some people have been known to run out the room, hand over mouth and drive the porcelain truck to chunder town. Whilst other will find this fishy whiff absolutely devine and start rolling around in it covering their feathers like it was cologne.
THE SMOKE: *****
Description big thick clods of fairly acrid smoke. This one is a true lung expander and is best smoked by them that can hold their breath for a long time.
THE HIGH: *****
Description Amazing, some of the best smoke ever, this one will knock you over like a felled red wood. It also makes you feel like a penguin and will have you waddling around and squawking at all and sundry.