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So, I got my new puppy yesterday yay!!! But it got f'n cold last night. -25°. So my pipes froze and the pellet stove in the garage couldn't keep up. My tent temp went down under 38°. So far I've got my pipes thawed somewhat and the tent temp up to 51° Happy Valentines to me. At least I got screwed
man some bad cold, the ice queen can be a real threat
Good Morning AFN Stoners..:smoker:..sharing one. It is know what that means...?..only 4 days left until Friday...sigh..:coffee:..gotta Love Mondays.


I Knew you were the Yeti..look at the length of your have to be 11 ft 10 ins..:crying:
Is there a primal feel when you are the first and only footprints n new snow.

I used to get it when we were first down the beach after the tractor had been down cleaning..first footsteps on a clean beach..felt kinda primal...:shrug:..just Me then..?..:coffee:

They say a little cold makes fruit sweeter.

Ah..I Prefer my tomatoes and my bud off the cold season..:thumbsup:..both Taste sweeter for it.

Thanks bud! :smoking: I don't cook for a living anymore, but it is easily one of my favorite thing to do. Haha actually its my wifes favorite too, she only cooks 1-2 nights a week. xD

Lucky Lady.
My hubby is/was a good cook..he just doesn't do it..:coffee:

feeding folks, another way of making high

I'm a Feeder..Food is Love. I Think that is why hubby married me..he is bloody Greedy...:crying:

dude your avatar made me think of this post I found!:rofl:

Oh I am so saving that image!


trailanimal is always hungry in the winter, thanks for the food posts, first lean winter in 22 yrs, not a problem, just not optimum must be torturing you. The food has me drooling and I'm well stocked up.
What can you grow up there...?

Cheers for the food shots and dating stories...:coffee:..I've been passing out the Plus Rep.

Absolute Bugger looking at all that food when you have the Munchies...:drool:
I want all you single stoner boys out there who are looking for Love to listen to this Stoners Anthem....:yeah:..see what you may be Missing for the Love of your Life..:smoker:..then again..Girls are just for Christmas..Cannabis is for LIFE...:hookah:

It was an awesome weekend spent with my wife/family and you guys/my extended family,I still managed to run some gumby hash and I'll smoke one for you all ,I still have today off,and gonna make the most of it!!! I still think I can cram 32 hours into a day!!!
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