.... Howdy foodie-homies! pardon the absence, it's been a bit of a scramble last several weeks,... :smoking: Ima hit some highlights here...!
@Seabass -- cro-nuts! my kind of perversion-

- I'll cave and grab one on occasion at Whole Paycheck, only place I see them,...
-- gahhh!!

real-deal French Onion soup, you're killin' me! How do you make your beef stock? that's the key, huh, everything hinges off that,...

hey, no drool spots visible, so the pic is fine by me! ...half the time I plate-up and get a few bites in before the light goes on--
camera, food porn,...

then I have to doll it up again! .... those tacos are also killing me,.. what kind? I'm with you man, those never get old, so many possibilities,...
@bushmasterar15 -- oh man, you have the tools now, mass production baby! you should sell that goodness, peep's be spendin' for that! You'll just have to hide it all at a mates place so the vultures don't descend and ravage...

.... poor man, this is a labor of love,...

Surf & turf at
@Ripper 's place! .... yeah, me too on the 'rings, the crust gets a deeper flavor,...
@A-Train .... what's good in your 'hood my friend?! I know, me too, on the mild burn-out, and busy-busy,.. thank gawds the season is over for me! Trimming kills me after a while, one reason why I don't grow more plants outside! By law, we could have 18 out there for 3 of us total,...

don't think I haven't thought about it! But end results are very nice indeed, swing by and eye-hump some late season porn, dry shots too,.. only Cannalope Haze and Psicodelicia to post up,... If you lady loves her Sativa's, this C' Haze is the ticket! Powerful psychoactivity on this strain, i won't let some friends try it knowing how they can react to such buzz qualities,...looks very old school, smells it too... gotta Pm you my friend, much fat to chew!

bacon wrapped dove! I've had quail, but never dove before,.. what's it taste similar too?....

where's the faithful hound in the pic?

you're reading my mind on the smoker brudda! Rib visions in my head,.. some pork shoulder,.. tinker with the smokey meatball recipies,.. do you like Chinese BBQ pork? I want ot try a meatball version of that,... and a local place uses the skinny loins for real Char-Siu, which I love! ... hard to save enough to make fried rice with....
*droooool* ..... I see the ribs didn't make to the photo' op' either!
@Ozone69 --- pass me a bowl of each, and a hunk-a cornbread! My stomach is growling now,... are you a fire-tongue?

mmm, trinity rice with that,... I like to swap the bell pepp's for pasilla's or anaheims,... reminds me too dig up the recipe for Gumbo Z' herbs,.. I think it's in here already, waaays back,... not spicy per se, but so so savory!
... about flour, several people have recommended King Arthur brand flour,... seems it's a rare find, in the the type of old school wheat they grow just for them,.. gluten sensitive folks say it doesn't bother them as much as other brands,...
@archie gemmill -- maaaate!

-smashing job on those onion rings-

-- oh lordy, those, and the chili too,...
