foodie mates! ... I've been missing lots of superb looking foods-- sorry-

--- Demands at Sick Bay have continued to be irritatingly busy,... hitting some highlights here,...
. but it's all over the top!

-- y'all are killin' me!
O3 buddy, did you try to make that cantaloupe ice cream? i was wondering how they do it myself,.. fresh puree, or something cooked down..? cooking might change the flavor too much? This stuff tastes so much like fresh, and the texture is a bit more icey, so I think they use puree and some flavorings,... BTW, nectarines make a killer shake!... that smoothie sounds enticing bro', maybe another ice cream flavor to work on? --have you score a maker yet?.......... ah, loin medallions, been thinking of trying them for mini-pork Katsu pucks!
Hec' brudda, what a garden you must have indeed! --your soils =

.... clue me in mate, what's "rock" that you rolled up the 'maters in?

I feel for you man, you kill us with descriptions and prep' pics, them the locusts descend,...

= *gone, just gone...*

oooohhhggllahhh-*slobber* --that meatloaf, scalloped 'taters,...home made mozza',...

... I gather, no jerky pics again?!

.... Ok, don't EVEN wave those whale boogers at me! I've dissected too may mollusks in school, so
I know what foulness lies within,..


ahhhhhh the piggie!!

i was wondering when that was going down,.. OMG what an epic treat for the 'hood my friend!

-- no further plated porn?? I guess the idea of pics went

... wooow,... so, who had the banana leaves and luau skills for this venture? The backhoe too! Talk about easy-peasy-

So, how was the pig prep'ed for seasonings and such?... side dishes, sauces, c'mon man, talk it up! ......seriously brudda, if were even a semi-rich man, I'da flown out there for that meal!


holy crap!! What an amazing food bomb you dropped! My head is about to explode-

..F'ing-A, how are you still alive and/or not 500lb's?!

...I don't even know where to start,...

.... I'll be looking up that meat sauce, reminds me of Sloppy Joes from waaaay back,...

.... post up your recipe for that coffee rub please! On beef and pork, it pairs up so well, it's just amazing,.. I'm a total coffee snob too, so I'll have choice beans! ... any straight chili powders in there? --talk about perfect pairing,...

.... I love cherry wood's flavor,...
Aunty, great to see you come by luv!

...with the Goods no less! That is a beautiful presentation my friend, and so scrumptious looking,...

... meat savory, sweet, salt,...it's all there!