Good morning dear members of the autoflower forum

and others that might read this.
@Mossy, I think i might have learned how to dance, or at least take some basic steps/moves - well at least in theory.
I have to test them in real life…. I suggest we meet up at Spannabis for a 2 minute talk - no more, no less, unless you have something more important to do, I guess.
And bring Dutch passion Antonio, I’ll have a word, not a sword with him as well, if you have those magical powers - of course.
Or I’ll just go there and will be dancing on my own…. Like robin - without Batman
But I prefer Calum Scott:
If I’m not mistaken, here is where you step forward and I take two step back, then we move it to the right or left, left, left, left - depending from which angle you see it from.
I just had a dream…. It was at movie scene with Rihanna, Angelina Jolie and some other famous women’s, and it was romantic and it was muddy/golden colored, with an ice skating melody

between the actors…
Anyhow - good morning