Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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I mean, this country is run on fear. You can’t be that surprised….lol

A rational argument for legalization only needs to go as far as saying that cannabis is at LEAST as safe as cigarettes, which are totally legal.

Literally the only concern I have is that there is no good DUI test for it yet. I think that would have been a good item in the con section on the ballot, and something I I don't have a good argument for. But instead, they just went for more fear mongeriing.
Seems like its only me here…. What if we collected each and every thing on earth, all the molecules, foods, microbes etc and sent them away with rockets with the destinations of other planets, solarsystems, galaxy’s so we can be more people having fun together. It will take a couple of millions or trillions of years, but then there is a chance someone would come up with a plan on how we could live in peace.

Think like Star Wars, but a tad more fun.

Your Mind travels Light Years.....unfettered........:pass: ....
no good DUI test for it yet.
Although it’s not like they haven’t had time to come up with one. I mean, in the same time period they’ve been using the “no road side test” argument, Elon Musk built a completely new style of space rocket, and made it land like they did in 50’s movies and television shows, because it was a neat idea….they could have come up with something.
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