Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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So I had let my 2 biggest plants go for until now (about 10 weeks, I think?) without any trimming or defoliating. But I've noticed some dead and rotting leaves in the inside of the canopy and it was downright wet in there. So I spent about 2 hours defoliating one of my plants. tomorrow I need to do the other. Its not as leafy. the one I did today had TONS of tiny little leaves with super long stems that were a huge pain. The one I will do tomorrow has less leaves, and they are bigger.
Howdy all I have a couple questions for you experts as I’m wondering how far approx 30 ml of potent coconut oil would get me. Approx how many milliliters would I be adding to a gummy recipe thats using just one 3oz box of jello? Or if I was making a box of brownies? And if the oil was really potent would some drops under my tongue be effective?

Sorry for all the rosin related questions all the time but it’s y’all’s fault for making buy a press 🤣

I have been tasked with making a lot of gummies. The recipe has improved some and we are quite happy with the current iteration. I'll post you two versions. They both work for smaller batches. You have less oil than we usually use but your potency might be higher. The recipe should still work fine as it's not that big a difference.

I usually use 50ml oil, your 30 is going to be just fine.

Easiest: All ingredients can be found at the grocery store/Target/Walmart

First thing you need to do is go find lecithin. Soy or Sunflower. I could not find a liquid bottle of it but there were pure lecithin capsules in the health/pills/vitamin area. They work. If you can't find this you will have to order it online.

I would recommend a "cherry" flavor as it's the easiest to find matching ingredients. If you try and keep everything the same flavor it blends better and helps hide any of the weedy taste.

Cherry Kool-aid. The pouches or the plastic bottles. I like the pre-mix for ease, concentrated flavor, and sweetness.
Cherry "Mio" or whatever liquid water flavoring brand.
Cherry Jello
Plain Knox Gelatin (or store brand. the packets work fine)
Corn Syrup
Citric Acid powder - I found this in the canning section at Target

Recipe: I do them all by weight with a decent coffee scale. Just add your oil and mix.

Oil (I usually aim for 50g)
110g Kool-aid
8g "Mio"
1.5g citric acid
5-7g Lecithin - If you got capsules I used 5
50g corn syrup
45g Jello
15g plain gelatin (typically 2 of the packets)

I use a small pot on the stove, medium heat, add each ingredient and stir until it dissolved well. Jello goes last. Add it slow and stir it in until the clumps are gone. Do raise the heat until it is just shy of a boil, stay low on the heat. You do want to see it roiling and starting to bubble. It does not take much. Stir stir stir.

We have a mold of all squares so they are all the same size, potency, dose. Use whatever you like. I pipette the liquid into the mold and use a pot of hot water to set the small pot in. Basically a double boiler but just to keep the mix hot so it doesn't set while I work. It takes a few tries to get your method down.

The Improved recipe: A bit more shelf stable.

Buy plain gelatin off amazon. Get the ultraclear versions. I use "Custom Collagen" brand.
Guar Gum - A thickener and binder. Similar to lecithin but some people don't like the taste of lecithin.
Potassium Sorbate - A preservative

Recipe is the same & I stick with the same 45g Jello and 15g plain gelatin. Just add in Potassium Sorbate and Guar Gum.

3g potassium sorbate
2g Guar Gum
3.5g Lecithin ( I bought the liquid and my patient preferred with lecithin in addition to the guar gum)

Good luck! There are lots of recipes out there. Test, tune, and have fun with it.
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