Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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no no no :doh: she was simply askin u, on the face of it, who sez ur way is wrong....u know, like, who are u, who am i, etc....that kinda who ;)

(fuckin stonerz....:doh: ppp)

Oh, thought that someone would take the bait 🤣 🎣

Merry Christmas ❤️❤️❤️
What day is it? 💈
New grow is in operation.
Got 60 L of light mix split between 6 fabric pots.
With Lecter seeds.
I have these blocks of coco coir I had laying about and decided nows the time to try use them.
But being me I filled 2 pots & just hydrated them and rinsed them and stuck them in the Den to await the arrival of the seeds.
But upon reading, its saying about buffering with Cal Mag and stuff & so had to go and get them again.

Don't have a clue what im at but they have ended up in the kitchen sink submerged in 20L of Calmag water
ppm 288 / Ec 575
What the heck am I doing lol.
Anyone any idea how to proceed or should I just forget about the coco idea.

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