Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Today's Day 24 for the 3 Bears OG and it's absolutely blowing up


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:yay1:Good Morfnoevight All you happy Chicken Soup TGIF Live Stoners!

It is winter here today, time for soup!

This is winter for us. :smoker:


I missed @CannabisMingus entry in the Legendary Harvest Poll, It has been remedied :worship:

Well, yesterday was nothing but a recovery day. Wednesday was the first day of real physical therapy.
Not my first time for physical therapy over the decades. You only get something out of physical therapy if you put an effort, so I always work at it hard.
So Wednesday night I made a hot chocolate with infused MCT up pretty heavy to help with pain and the inflammation that will come from it. I guess it was a good thing I did that because when I woke up Thursday morning, it was quite painful. I had intended to put one girl in the freezer and another in the drying. Well that wasn't happening.
So first thing in the morning I made another 1:1 THC/CBD coffee and did another late afternoon. I definitely miss having Vidamints Live Rosin to tweak my pain levels. That will be fixed in the next couple of days. And I will have a new additional 1:1 THC/CBD in Aunt Jeannie's Elixier.. Both will be made into live rosin. Hopefully , Aunt Jeannie's Elixier will be as effective as Vidamints. The Cannibaloids are definitely there with her frost level.

With these two girls getting dry ice shake, I'll have plenty of work material to make more coconut oil infusions. I think what I'm going to do is try to end up with a full 1.6 liter jar of infused coconut oil. With the amount of work material that will be available, especially from Jeannie's Elixier, There will be quite a few rounds of decarb and infusion. With my current jar of 1:1 THC/CBD coconut oil From the past grow , I have about 1.3 liters in it. I will be using that as makeup in the subsequent infusions. This will give a much more potent product in the end.

That is actually quite a bit of Very potent Medicine! My main intent is to have a substantial reserve of the medicine and a very viable option to offer to my veterans kinfolk that I'm currently supplying infused MCT oil 1:1THC/CBD. Since his mother-in-law is buying the oil for her sister out of her own pocket, I can reduce the cost a bit with the coconut oil.

With the amount I expect, I think I'm going to do an experiment with Jeannie's Elixier live Rosin. I'm going to take a gram or two of the live Rosin, decarb it and then make a tincture with it. I think as a test I'm going to decarb it in the silicone jar and the aluminum case and use my mini press to heat it. I've used this method of decarb before and it was quite easy and effective. If I get satisfactory results, I may up the amount and I use and use my Ardent FX to do the decarbing. I was thinking of putting the rosin in a beaker and then place the beaker in the silicone sleeve that goes in the decarb machine. I'm a little leery of doing the open beaker and that I could lose valuable terpenes. Using the silicone capsule and it fitting into the aluminum case, it seals fully in decarbing in the Mini press.
I can't really do a whole lot of rosin at one time using the mini. You have to let the capsule cool down thoroughly come because it's under pressure with the release of the carbon atom during the decarboxylation process. Even with it thoroughly cool, the rosin will still bubble up once the pressure is released in the cap pulled off. I think the mini is too small to handle Nugsmashers next larger size decarboxylation capsule.

Anyway, I'd like to have something that is fast acting as an alternative to vaping the rosin.

So, @Mañ'O'Green
Can I just add the alcohol and let the rosin dissolve into it and have a tincture or do I need to store it in the freezer for a period of time?
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