I’m starting to get a bit pissed 2 emails sent and going on a month since payment was received for my order to Highofthetiger merch store. They sent a confirmation order immediately after order was placed and money was received but have ghosted on me since. I sent them 2 emails in the last three weeks with no repsonse. I asked
@Son of Hobbes about this is here and he was suppose to look into he has ghosted since then also. The invoice they sent says due date for order is 12/6. So if I still have not heard anything by then I will be given no choice but dispute the charge for a refund and put highofthetiger on blast

I am hesitant to say anything cause it is so negative but don’t want anyone else to put a order in just to get screwed over

I honestly hate to be this guy but sometimes it is the only way things get taken care of I’ve been patient and quite long enough