Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 8.57.41 PM.png
I don't remember who was having the bug issue a few hours ago, the little white bugs all over their plants.

But I was going to suggest Sevin. Its an insecticide. Its safe for fruit plants, and I did some googling and it looks like quite a few cannabis people say its safe as long as you aren't in flower.
Seven is not listed for cannabis in any state and would be off label use! Carbaryl is specifically listed as banned in California for cannabis.
Ok, that's totally fair... but lets be clear on the ingredients... which are not chemicals designed to kill pests... The only reason theyc an make that claim in the US is they went through the process of proving efficacy... So through bossting immunity without pesticides is really what I meant. But you are correct. Honestly, I think I didn't even need the pure crop, it was just another lvel of insurance in the above "synergistic stack" so to speak.
cheers! :smokeout:
Don't get me wrong Pure Crop 1 is a new Organic product to me and based on what I read about it I would use it if needed.

A rock or a shoe is a pesticide depending on how you use them :pass: Naturals oils and citric acid aren't pesticides in my book :gassy:
The Oils have gone through some process so it is hard to call it natural oil.
"Although it’s active ingredients are corn and soybean oil, PureCrop1 is not oil; it’s a clever rearrangement of the colloidal micelle and their electrical charge.
Dealing with some bullshit tonight don't think I told you all few weeks ago wife's cousin moved out here from CO to get clean from alcohol and meth. He's been staying with us couple nights a week when he can't deal with his father's house drama. He's been clean besides weed until today he got wasted and made a bunch of bad decisions before he finally called my wife to come get him "save him" he was about to go get some meth right he's supposedly just drunk.. So that's my night hence why I am a bit distant :wall::pop::lildab::pass:

Get him into AA, he will never kick this on his own.
So what would you use for my peach, so they aren't full of worms?
Use Horticultural Oil with properly timed applications In dormancy and just prior to bud break. This will prevent Peach Leaf Curl and kill any overwintering pests (worms).
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