Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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I know it's 40 pages back but I can't help myself... :doh:You guys are killin' me with the density, gravity, weight vs. MASS, friction/drag, viscosity etc. etc mis-terminology.... :rofl: ...maybe this'll clear the smoke some...

- density is about weight per unit volume, that's it... high weight, small volume = high density, and visa versa...
- weight is about the amount of gravitational force acting on a given mass... weight is relative in other words...:smokeit:
...less gravitational force, less weight but the mass is still the same, see? On the Moon, 10lbs of dank (Earth standard) is about 1.6lbs there; only 1/6 the gravity on lunar surface, but the same mass of dank- :rofl:
- vacuum means no gas (pressure); no gas, no mass/matter to create resistance, therefore no friction/drag...
- viscosity is about a fluids relative resistance to flow, simply put,...that's it, nothing to do with density at all... That graphic with the fluids is clowny shit factually...
Best example I can put out: honey vs. mercury... honey is pretty viscus at room T's, but really isn't that much denser than water... Mercury is 13x more dense, but far far less viscous!
Not that it's smart, but have any of you played a bit with mercury? Trippy as hell! It's surface tension is massive too, a feature shared with water... You can float a small needle with some careful skills on water (even though the needle/steel is much denser than water); put it on Mercury and it floats like a freakin' cork! Both surface tension and density acting in that case actually....:baked:

Okeedoke, time for some frosty density in this Sour Strawburied :chimp::haha:
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Well......I've cleared All the dead bodies outta Reported Posts from yesterday.......:eyebrows:

Feisty you were........:pass:

1699789422999.png and a joint...sigh............:pass:.......

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