Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Well, I just added more of my concoction to the rez of my Jrs. They all show very nice growth today, with more marked growth from the HLG tent. I'm just adding 16oz That should be fine with the Jrs wicking spot being right under the plant.
I really do think a redesign of the wicking system in the Regulars with a center wicking system added would vastly improve the transition of the pant to a two root system and let the EB work it's magic.
I added a FPF made from grains, I assume sprouted. It's from BAS, Organics Alive FPF Fulvic Amino Acid.
It didn't show the dosage rates on the website. It's pretty damn powerful at 1ml/gal! A pint is gonna last a long time.
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