Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Added another one this week. We'll see how well they last.
Do you use the 67 controller? Or do you have your fan connected to it...I just let mine run 24/7 on high... to where its just rustling the leaves....
Gotta thank @aridynomyco, AFN and @Son of Hobbes fer the opportunity to win the Raffle on 10-08-22. Received the Dynomyco winnings yesterday, patiently waiting on the Brother Mendel's Selection. Really looking forward to them. Can not thank the AFN and there sponsors enough.
Lol thanks for the rep @Olderfart! The hope is always that *this* will finally be the time I can keep it up but when you're cleaning up after 3 kids and two dogs it's often like fighting a losing battle.
One that I gave up on a long time ago, even with only one dog or a cat or two, and no kids. Don't beat yourself up about it, as life's little problems go, a bit of house mess isn't very high on the damage list.

Anyway, you did a spectacular job, good on ya. I hope you enjoy the results of your effort. Hubby needs to generate some sort of treat. :biggrin: :pighug:
One of the few time you can get away with saying "bend her over"...just sayin...
That might just be what I do, I was even thinking about doing it this morning, but I got distracted and broke out the Swordfish instead! LOL
Now we’re talking sorry @JP1 but solo just sound more fun:doh: BUT it will mostly be four 3 gallon pots since that is what I have for geown bags or 2- 3 gallon and 2 solos:eyebrows::shooty:

I have thought about the multipots but just haven’t gone down the road yet…seems I have enough going on to screw stuff up already :rofl::rofl:

Thanks for the reps @Mossy and @Cerebral Goo
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Just do like @St. Tom and just randomly hang solo cups in the gaps! Or u can use really tall bamboo stakes and duct tape a solo cup halfway up it! :d5:
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