Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I like grav labs

or Thick Ass Glass

Thanks Frank. Need to spread some love before I can kick some reps your way. Have a buddy in Co that blows amazing glass, but feel bad hittin up as he doesn't charge me anything. And...I keep breakin the shit!
Thanks Frank. Need to spread some love before I can kick some reps your way. Have a buddy in Co that blows amazing glass, but feel bad hittin up as he doesn't charge me anything. And...I keep breakin the shit!
That is the downside of glass…. :rofl:
Wakin and bacon :haha::crying:

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Morning all - only me :hookah:
Had a good rain yesterday so likely to head out and do some foraging for mushrooms again. Last time I must of got some spores on my clothes as one of my pots of coco keeps sneaking up a shroom

knowing my foraging skills these are likely to kill:crying:
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