Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I'm not a book reader, but that's a really good one and I'd probably be long gone if I read it 10 years earlier. Ever tried to read electric kool aid acid test with all the nonsense on the middle of that thing? :crying: I'm pretty stoned but I think that's the book
I'm thinking about
Haha never read that one…. I suppose I oughta check it out :pass:
Thanks @JP1 I never read the book...I don't read a lot until it comes to growing canna now i read a ton here only:rofl::rofl::rofl::vibe:

Like I said I don't read a lot but check it out. I think it's pretty relatable for a lot of us. You could probably knock it out in a couple camping trips. Not a huge book and an easy read since it's not meant to be a smart guy book really
I ain’t buying it…but yea, a tiny 500 acre plot

ah, ok, so we're talkin, in miniaturepeople termz, of about 1.5 sq ft then, right-? gotcha :thumbsup: ppp
That's the one. Maybe the hardest I've ever worked to get through a book. Content is great but it's all over the place and my brain couldn't get in the rhythm of reading it. Like half the book Is audio transcripts of people tripping but in word form :shrug: but great stuff if your into hallucinagins or drug history since it really goes all the way to the beginning
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