Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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The panic of "I have nothing growing, we're gonna run out" seems silly but it's there nonetheless lmao. I need to get everything cleaned out and reset so when I do start again I can be in a better headspace for it. Think I'm going to finally get to my jean-o run once everything is reset and whatnot.
Wife always ask after harvest so what's next?...Knowing the inevitable were gonna run out were both are heavy consumers plus SIL :wall::joy::goodluck:
Mine did that for 2ish years till he moved cross country. Now they get like a call or two a year lol. Idk how old the kid is but they know who is their for them and who makes the excuses but doesn't show up.
14. He's well aware of who will take care of him at the end of the day... Still fucking sucks for the boy since this clown just strings him along and crushes him repeatedly. But it's kinda how it was for me as a kid so I get it and I just try to be solid
Worthless without rooster tails!:headbang::headbang:

All too fast for my back.
Like i told dabber if your throwing a rooster tail over the cowl it is too much and losing speed.. just sayin:smoking::headbang: and yeah I very rarely have mine wide open tournament mornings are a drag race but that's bout it...I drive like a grandpa I like my boat too much to destroy it going that fast
Sorry to be a bummer, but have had a rough day at the vet today. Monsieur the cat is in final stages of renal failure. Bummed, but he's had a good run. Idiot neighbor abandoned him so we brought him into fold. He's had lots of med issues and would have checked out at least 5 years ago if we didn't scoop him up.

As someone said here this week, celebrate life!

Here's to you Monsieur!!! aka Jackass!

Ask your vet about giving fluids. We had an older cat, 20, who had kidney issues. They gave us a needle and IV bag of fluids. Pretty easy to slip inder the skin by the neck and let it run for 20-30min. They told us it can provide a lot of relief and comfort.
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