Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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What happened to pauly shore. Son in law was great and bio dome too.

He also does voice overs in animated movie! Also the newer Pinocchio movie from 2021 he wrote!
But apparently you did not……. :rofl:

I forgot to copy it in and it was too big type hence why I only quoted the wor:smoking:

Speaking of deep conversationalists……where the fook is @arty zan …….:rofl:
Yeah he would have a field day with this conversation
I don’t know if it’s always random….I think you can move yourself in between various selves. You know, it’s really the difference between optimism and pessimism. Whichever stance you take, weather optimistic or pessimistic, it’s the same situation….but totally different realities. You can choose to see the word from an optimistic point of view….and that’s a pretty happy way to live. On the other hand, the pessimist is usually in a version of living hell. Two different realities, same exact situation. Two different ways of living the exact same life. If the pessimist points their attention to becoming an optimist, well now you’re living in a whole new world. :pass:

Mind blown
She’s perrty…:eyebrows:


CDLC coming along after a little P deficiency. My fault for not being prepared.

He also does voice overs in animated movie! Also the newer Pinocchio movie from 2021 he wrote!

:yeahthat: Plus last I knew he runs his family comedy store in CA which is very well known all the big comedians do stand up their it has been around since the 70’s
Haha ya, this could go on a while :pass:

Entanglement, and the FTL manipulation it allows, particles popping in and out of existence in empty space, and the fact that states of matter can be determined by conscious observation are just all proof that there is something going on

ok, and here'z one -> a single electron can be in multiple placez at once....and if that'z the case, then who'z to say that all of "it" -> izn't the same electron-?? :dizzy::muahaha: ppp

I don’t know if it’s always random….I think you can move yourself in between various selves. You know, it’s really the difference between optimism and pessimism. Whichever stance you take, weather optimistic or pessimistic, it’s the same situation….but totally different realities. You can choose to see the word from an optimistic point of view….and that’s a pretty happy way to live. On the other hand, the pessimist is usually in a version of living hell. Two different realities, same exact situation. Two different ways of living the exact same life. If the pessimist points their attention to becoming an optimist, well now you’re living in a whole new world. :pass:

mmm, it of course goez deeper, lol, but ya, that'z one way o' lookin at thingz ;) but still -> randomness rulez the universe! :yay: that'z my story & i'm stickin to it! :shooty: :headbang: ppp
:yeahthat: Plus last I knew he runs his family comedy store in CA which is very well known all the big comedians do stand up their it has been around since the 70’s
Pretty sure I heard on the radio he’s doing a stand up tour right now! Or just did one or has one coming up! I’m usually baked so remembering details is not my forte! :crying:
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