Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Thanks for the rep @Zer0

I haven’t but I still ain’t using no damn paper towel! :nono:
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Hell no man. Never done it that paper towel for me. My time will come where I dont have one germ. Ive only planted like 40 plants probably which is not alot so thats why I think its been 100 for me.
Well I went on a road trip the other day and got 4 different brands of parchment paper and I even ordered some RAW pp, hands down the very best of all the ones I purchased is Reynolds KITCHENS parchment paper, the cooled Rosin lifts right off without any effort, the worst of all was the RAW paper, it took alot of pressure and scraping to get MOST of the Rosin!
Well I went on a road trip the other day and got 4 different brands of parchment paper and I even ordered some RAW pp, hands down the very best of all the ones I purchased is Reynolds KITCHENS parchment paper, the cooled Rosin lifts right off without any effort, the worst of all was the RAW paper, it took alot of pressure and scraping to get MOST of the Rosin!
RAW is my backup, and I put an ice block under it when cleaning the Rosin off. It's good, but there is much better to be had for sure IMO.
RAW is my backup, and I put an ice block under it when cleaning the Rosin off. It's good, but there is much better to be had for sure IMO.
I don't use a ice block or anything like that, with the Reynolds I wait about 2 minutes and touch the tool to the Rosin and it lifts right off in large pieces!
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