Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I threw a couple buds in the freezer about 10 minutes ago, should be ready to grind in another 5 minutes. You guys do the coin trick with your grinders? Keep a nickel in the ground weed chamber, put the grinder in the freezer for 15 minutes or more, and then shake the shit out of it, get a shitload of Keif fast.
I used to do the coin thing for years :crying: Actually used a coin to clean my grinder screen today :dizzy: Pretty much have stopped since I've grown my own and don't really have a shortage of kief anymore. But the reason you get so much more from the coin is because you're breaking leaves with the coin and they're falling through the screen. That's why it won't press or melt :pass:Take a look at it through a loupe or scope. It looks like less in volume without the coin but it's a lot more trichomes to plant matter
Supreme Runtz Day 35
I used to do the coin thing for years :crying: Actually used a coin to clean my grinder screen today :dizzy: Pretty much have stopped since I've grown my own and don't really have a shortage of kief anymore. But the reason you get so much more from the coin is because you're breaking leaves with the coin and they're falling through the screen. That's why it won't press or melt :pass:Take a look at it through a loupe or scope. It looks like less in volume without the coin but it's a lot more trichomes to plant matter
Yea, I used to do that when I was buying weed. Now I got large ziploc's waiting for months to be screened. I seriously do not like the screening of large bags of shake.
My mother in law is a huge Donovan fan. Wife took her to a show in NYC kinda recently and her mother actually passed out meeting him for a picture and had to get helped by EMS :rofl:
Man I'd go see him and arlo guthrie any day, lucky gal. I dont do crowds well anymore, but i'd make an exception.
Man I'd go see him and arlo guthrie any day, lucky gal. I dont do crowds well anymore, but i'd make an exception.
My buddy had a band so he was telling this one joint there were always fights. So the made a habit of playing City of New Orleans as the last song cause as he put it the place would turn into a love fest. Great song
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