Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Anyone else have knees that just give out sometimes??? I was already sore from dragging stone and dirt all week. I fell akwerd trying not to break shit. im just going to lay here like a lump keep the jams coming FrankyCashFlow @Frank the Dank
There are lots of Spanish words for stoner, and it varies by country and region. In Colombia the most popular was burro... (boo-rrrrow). Marihuanero is usually pejorative. Ahumado, porrero, porreto, fumón, burriquete, marimbero, hierbero... and my fave: coleto. I didn't spend much time in Mexico, I'm sure they have a lot more.
Ya know, I took like 4 years of Spanish in middle and hs and never did figure out how to roll my Rs. Probably why I went with ASL in college, no pronunciation to butcher lmao.
I've always had the opposite observation. Thirsty plants were more bendy due to less turgidity :shrug:
In veg, yes…..but after they get woody during flower they’ll get brittle when dry. You learn how woody the stem gets if you try to LST too late :rofl:
oh, and btw kidz, we've managed to hit 250 pagez in jus the first week, sooooo, i don't think 3000 is an unrealistic expectation to roll out the year with :shrug: jus sayin & yak on plz....:headbang: ppp
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