Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Hmmm...mmm......View attachment 1550587.....

I'd Go with the tent....and see if I could scrounge a pair of hair straighteners to Try it cheap/low tech first....... :pass:

If I din't have much bud stash I'd be worried about experienting with it....But.............I'm a Wuss..........:biggrin:
I was thinking the same. I want a 4x4 or a 5x5 finish veg and flower on photos, but I really wanna push the veg and do like 2 massive photos every 4-6 months. Then I can use my 3x3 for starting and autos.
Nothing new as of yet :pass:...did you catch that @420Forever was Good...just power outtage.......?
Yeah, read he had got the car started and popped into the town library for a quick check in, hopefully they'll get it sorted soon at his place.
Question for the rosin pressers here.

Im thinking about buying a small rosin press for a bday present to myself. I see a lot of stuff on here about return percentages after pressing usually around 10-20%.

With that said Im wondering if I should wait to get a few grows under my belt and have a little stock pile to press from, or would it be worth it just to get one anyway?

Thinking about foregoing the press to pick up another tent. Seems like a better investment right now.
That's a tough one for sure, The returns vary from plant to plant and ultimately you dont get that much back from a pile of weed, then you have o get the rig to smoke it with. For sure it is worth having one imo - but
I got mine out of eagerness to have more toys, but until I had a few piles of weed it got very little use - now I try to put half the crop to make hash, 1/4 of the remainder in dabs and the rest stays as weed which sees me through nicely and offers variety.
Maybe tent?
That's a tough one for sure, The returns vary from plant to plant and ultimately you dont get that much back from a pile of weed, then you have o get the rig to smoke it with. For sure it is worth having one imo - but
I got mine out of eagerness to have more toys, but until I had a few piles of weed it got very little use - now I try to put half the crop to make hash, 1/4 of the remainder in dabs and the rest stays as weed which sees me through nicely and offers variety.
Maybe tent?
Yeah Im leaning towards tent too. Tbh I think I want it just to have a new toy as well.
Morning all - how goes everyone? :pass:
Everything is back to normal in blighty - greyness like you have ever witnessed, windy, but temperate. Rail, post, driving examiners and others are on strike.

Today, the outside world will not get to see me - smokey smokey is the order of the day
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