Congrats on getting the diabetes under control, well worth doing. Controlling diabetes is why I am on Keto, I would not do it otherwise. It works very well, my A1C has been well inside the normal range for a couple years now. Were it not for the Keto diet, I would likely be on insulin already if my diabetic younger brothers and late father are any indication.
Keto is not high protein, unlike Atkins. Atkins was headed in the right direction, but Keto is better because it avoids high protein. Keto in essence is very low carbs, normal protein, and high fats and oils. The main challenge I have found is managing electrolytes, I need a lot more salt and magnesium than I would on a normal diet. Bottom line on Keto is that you keep carbs so low that your body is persuaded (forced?) to use fats instead of carbs for almost all needed energy. It would work fine with zero carbs, but doing that is not necessary, and would be difficult.
I still like the look of those meals you put together though!