My neighbor in S.America had a "burra" everybody called "María Casquete" (Mary of the dainty hooves). Early every morning she carried a load of fresh buns from the bakery in the city to sell door-to-door in the village. She allegedly also provided the first amorous experience for most of the village boys. They'd stand on a rock and scratch her spine and she'd back up to them. They'd put the end of her tail in a shirt pocket and... Sorry, too much information. My friend lost much sleep waiting up to throw hot water on boys who breached his cactus fence at night looking for María's attention.I once had sum ass!
Her name was Ruth! I called her Baby most times.
She sure was purdy!
She was a small packaged little thing, but very proportional!
Her ears were a bit big and had a silly ass laugh.
She loved Miss College Mound, my registered SinBrah cow.
We were together for over 10 years and I sure miss her. She was so funny! Her antics were quite amusing!
She was a bad ass too!
One night, She whooped the hell outta a pack of coyotes!
You should have heard the commotion! It woke me up in a start from a dead sleep.......back when I could sleep 8hrs.
I lost her pics,
But here's what she looked like.