Loving all the badges
@Wawashell ...

...the Buds look Healthy too....


Here be Dragons!
Good to have you back Daenerys, I've been a bit worried about you!
You have been missed!

I hope all is well with you and your little piece of paradise is greening up!
What's that you say..........?
You want to see some pictures?
OK......... I'll have a dig and see what I have hanging around!
First off we have the solo cups. For all my years in the game , never until now have I grown in a solo cup.
It is so much fun but watering can be a pain, when you have to do it twice a day!
Far left (the little ones) Critical Orange Punch >> Front - spirit Walker >> back - Ruby
Spirit Walker getting a nice lil' trunk on her!
Spirit Walker held up under my SanLight S4W's
Ruby putting on some fat stalks
Ruby, look at the biggest leaf, the middle blade is 5 cm across. all that loveliness in a solo cup!
The newest addition to the group Critical Orange Punch
A really nice pic of Spirit Walker, just look at those satellites coming on!
Fruitcake auto - white balance was off in this pic as it was set up for the main cab!
Fruitcake although dwarfed, started to get quite boisterous and started taking up as much space as she could.
So the solo cups got kicked out of the 2' x 2' tent and Fruitcake moved in. As you can see she is virtually filling the space!
I accidentally let her dry out (due to her drinking constantly) she is only in a 8.5 liter pot!
So now she has droopy leaves, which have set like that. No probs though as she is set for a defo!
The other 8.5 liter girls >> Far Left Top - Ruby solo cup >> Far Left Bottom - Spirit walker solo cup >> Then left to Right >> Blue Treacle >> Tangerine Dream and Banana Kush. I will be defoliating them this weekend!
Another view of the 8.5 liter girls.
A shot of the solo cups