Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat January - 04/2020

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OH YEAH Night Owl genetics in the house :headbang:

HAPPY SUNDAY @Gladiators @Admin and stoner family hope this finds everyone well during this crazy time, Ms.D and I want you to know everyone is in our thoughts and prayers sending :vibes: and a :bighug:from us here in Dabberville. Stay safe, home and medicated :pighug:
Were you supposed to go on tour?
A “mini-tour”, if you will. We’re constantly writing and recording, So, despite the group being well within the “safe range”, we decided we’d just work on new material From home and send ideas via video chat.
Exacally why I was askin. Can't afford to keep a space open for too long

@Sour D ..I was on me way in to say we had another 15 days confinement... :pass:

This morning, the Prime Minister confirmed that the State of Emergency imposed on March 14 will be extended for another 15 days.

But if that is HSO info...take it from the horses mouth...:pass:
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