Lock Down Journey: Week 1: Spain.
I was in self isolation..showing all Corona Virus symptoms Except the fever temps...

..Fingers Crossed it stays that way...
Last Friday morning hubby went shopping....

..pre any lock down announcements...but word must have been out coz the supermarket was Manic.
The place was full to busting... hubby had a List...but there was no big bottled water..toilet rolls...fresh meat or frozen meat.
First Clue huh..?...still unaware hubby went on his usual Friday drinkee session with his friend in the village.
He came home and said...you won't believe it..most of the village was shut....apparently from midnight tonight all the pubs/cafes/restaurants are closing..all non essential shops will close and travel will be restricted....

..I'm like Wow.....that is Scarey.....I've Never seen that happen before.
I said wow...did you get me tobacco.........and he said no it was shut.........

Normally I would have said oh well...leave it until the morning...but if all non essential shops were closed at midnight..would that affect tobacconists...?
(they will remain open..)
We didn't know...so hubby was on a mad dash to find a tobacconist who was open...and who had stock..the first only had a couple of packets.
So we settled in for the weekend...hunkered down..coz you know when new strange laws come in it takes a bit time to bed in.
On Sunday there was a new Edict issued.
Only 1 person per household is allowed out of the house at a time...even to walk the dog.
(sounds like the measure Wu Han took..)
All non essential travel was cancelled.
You could travel to and from work..
For groceries..
For hospital/chemists.
Any car with more than 1 person in will be stopped.
Any people over 70 must self isolate for 4 MONTHS...
OMG...hubby in the house for 4 months..no reprieve of the daily pub visit or golf...for MONTHS....Shoot me Now.....

So we missed going out on Monday..to avoid the chaos...
We had no fresh meat..but we could have lived on tinned corned beef..
On Tuesday hubby had to go to the chemists for his prescription..he said he would check the super market.
Big bottles of water..fresh meat..toilet rolls all available.
Hubby went to the local farm shop for supplies..no problem.
Yesterday we got a phone call from hubbys friend..he had been coming to town for a prescription and Thought he would call over for a coffee...

But...the police had the main roundabout into town road blocked..they were stopping Every car coming in...checking why they were travelling...and threatening them with a fine of 15000 euros and Jail Time if they were on anything but essential journeys.
So here we are..just over a week in....hubby has turned from an every day boozer to tea total...

...he doesn't drink in the house..
to him it is a total social thing.
He has coped Valiantly...

..up to now.
He has a definite case of Cabin Fever...he is a social animal.
Me..I'm anti-social..my friends are on AFN..self isolation is a Doddle...

..as long as I have my Meds and food..hey..What is different...
I know some people are getting mad and some people are getting panicked about this..but seeing what is going on...I Feel Safer being on lock down...
I don't see it as an infringement of my personal liberties..I see it as the government taking radical steps to Protect me.
As soon as I saw the 4 month quarantine figures and the % of the population the virus is expected to hit..between 40-60% my head said fresh food shortages.
I grabbed the compost I was promised for my xmas present for my raised beds..hunted out the seed I had..and I will be sowing.
4 months is long enough to grow most crops..even faster if you grow micro veg/seedlings...so..today I'll start germinating..
start as much as I can..any over production will be shared..
After the flood..all our chickens drowned...we were going to buy another 6..for ourselves.
Now.we have gone with 15...again...over production will be shared.
I'll also be germing canna..who knows..we could find ourselves short of prescription meds..

..alternatives could be vital...
and if I'm wrong...I'll be Stoned as an Old Hippys Cat all Autumn on the stash...Win win from my point of view...
Prepping for the Worst..hoping for the Best...
This is My War effort...

..what You doing...?