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Did you miss the worst of the weather @Mañ'O'Green .....?....
Yes, we got less than 2" of rain, it got quite windy with gusts near 50mph but no issues for us.

I'm always nervous to feed too early but maybe in the next few days I'll introduce some nutes and see how she responds.

Someone said I don't need to ph the water cause the soil will do the work. My tap water comes out around 205ppm and around 7.2 ph. I do let it sit out for over 24 hours to get rid of the chlorine (no chloramine in my local water report) Do you think ph'ing my water down to around 6.5 is unnecessary or should I keep doing that. I'm willing to try it out for scientific purposes but just wanted to hear your thoughts on this. The cronk auto nutes I use usually put the ph right where I need it. I rarely have to use ph up or down when using nutes so I'm just talking about when I water in between feeds:pass:
If you intend to re-use the soil then I would PH for sure, a small pot of soil is only going to be able to buffer so much of that tap water. you need to know what is making your water so high PPM is it calcium carbonate or calcium, magnesium and other salts? Calcium carbonate is almost inert but takes a lot of PH down to make the PH come down. I would really consider mixing 50% DI or RO to that tap water.
Ummmm…… you think we’ve all forgotten about those cracklin’s? The people demand a pork roast every now and again!!!!
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Yeah...Cracklin when you have the Munchies.............Dayem................... :pighug: ...Sorry Piggy...........
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