Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Thanks @Buzzard! Yeah probably so, but enjoying the moment! "don't worry bout tomorrow cause you'll know it when it comes"! We've been snacking a lot so food and a glass of water here and there, should be able to shake it off. Cracked the first bottle around 6, so spread out too
Thanks for the reps peeeps!

Good evening primates!

Really miss going to the markets in Ca. One of things I miss the most. There were multiple one during the week and the Marin and SF one on the weekends. Quality and diversity were amazing!

You get your plumbing squared away? Haven't gone back through the posts
Yes, it turned out to be a rust dam. The old cast iron is rusting on the inside and it is hard as a rock. The water jet does not have a chance against it but the rotor rooter can chew it up. It should last several years now with just an occasional water jetting to keep the grease under control.

The farm market is one of the best things about this hot ass valley. We really have all of the best fresh food in the world!

Time to catch some zzzzzzzz I am sure I will sleep better not worrying about $$$$$ plumbing.

Good Morfnoevight All! :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

I was looking through some old photos.........and found this one of the Princess......she loves to sleep on a green mattress......
This is what she usually does if the daisy is in the find her fast the flowers...... :pighug:

Sitting in the morning.............................Sun....but only 38F........the patio feels bare feet........... :biggrin: ....


I Swear the girls look Nithered....:snow2:......but they just plough on..........:pass:...

Gotta shop today.....early...coz the markets on and the traffic gets nuts....and hubby turns into the worst kind of road hog.....:crying:

But....since it is almost 9am......................and he is not outta bed might be a 2pm shop...after the market is done.....
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