Well I did something that I've never ever done. I let a compost brew go to waste. Well I'm not gonna waste it, but it's not gonna be for the intended use.
I was going to use the compost tea to bring up the moisture in the media for the next round of Earth box juniors. The damn nerve pain had other ideas. It's brewed too long to be ideal. I'm not gonna let it go to waste though, I will Spray it on some of my older media I have in totes on the back porch.
This time of year I start my compost T with warmed water And brew on a heat mat . You get a very nice jump quite quickly. I like to use my compost T on the increase of activity just before the peak. That activity will continue on and increase when introduced to your media or the soil.
With as many brews that I have done since 90, you get to know 'that smell', what your brew smells like when it is at peak production. It's also helpful that I've used the same product over the same amount of time. I've
always used Medina horticultural molasses.
I find it interesting that I've used the same product for that many damn years, I don't think I could use another product!