@stan_mephisto might be amused with this one.
As usual for me, I gave away some Mephisto Fugue State to a friend a while back. He is a fairly experienced stoner.
He and a friend went off on a ski day. The friend went through four pipes of his own weed while they were heading to the ski location. My friend was watching this performance thinking "holy shit, and I thought I was hard core". Well, they got to the ski spot and my friend got out the Fugue State bud and asked his buddy if he would like to try some home grown. The ski buddy partook a bowl while they were getting their gear together. Not long later, my friend was ready to go, and asked if his buddy was ready. The response was that his buddy was not sure he could move his legs. He asked "What the fuck did you put in this stuff, crack"? Seems that Fugue State lives up to its name. They had a great ski day, although one of them was a tad slow for a bit.