Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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That's what hubby doesn't matter how Late he is...or how drunk...when he comes home the dogs are always Pleased to See him..........

Fine....but they haven't spent an hour cooking dinner that you are 3 hours too late for ....:crying:........

……you both make excellent points, in my opinion. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
How would yall feel about us scheduling a Live Stoners Q&A with one of our breeders? "Ask the Breeder" kind of things? Nothing fancy, just post-and-reply like the old days?

And I know I can get Nancy with Nancy's Own to talk about her world shattering high testing autoflower (as far as I know, she holds the highest tested lab for an auto so far.)
How would yall feel about us scheduling a Live Stoners Q&A with one of our breeders? "Ask the Breeder" kind of things? Nothing fancy, just post-and-reply like the old days?

And I know I can get Nancy with Nancy's Own to talk about her world shattering high testing autoflower (as far as I know, she holds the highest tested lab for an auto so far.)
Sounds good….. I imagine there being a period of transition before people get the hang of keeping up, continuing to ask questions….. etc.
Sounds good….. I imagine there being a period of transition before people get the hang of keeping up, continuing to ask questions….. etc.

We've done it before on here; it gets a little crazy but we've had them run for hours.

We used to do the Mixlr radio, remember that one? We'd do a Skype call, the route the audio to the Mixlr program to broadcast out. That was fun lol.
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