Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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After a very warm start winter is finaly here.
Minus 17C, flurries, a king tide and powerful winds yesterday. The power went out for 3 hours and I count my blessings that there's nothing growing right now.

Now the sky is clear and they are predicting -25 to -30 windchill for the next several days.

Maybe I could freeze dry my weed?
maybe. You could also dry sift on your deck if you have one. I may do the same at some point. Looking at ~-32C (real, not wind) in the morning here. Would work a treat if I had trim and a sifter ready. Sadly, nope on either count, but next month... :biggrin:
Early Farm Market tomorrow...... Good Morfnoevight All! :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:
Did you get your press running? Think you were waiting on bags, but had some parchment?
Nope tomorrow i will mess with it! Decided to go run a couple orders earlier since i ain’t gonna be out working in the freezing ass cold! U would think by the year 2024 people would understand how gratuity works but no such luck! Some orders i wanna accept just to send a message and ask what they were smoking when they added the gratuity on order! F-ing idiots ordering a whole basket full of groceries but thinking a $5 tip is appropriate! Like piss off fucker instacart only pays for my gas and your tip pays for my time and if u think an hours worth of my time is only worth $5 then u can go get your own shit! Or better yet get one of them bottom tier shoppers that will substitute half your order with random shit cuz they are lazy or don’t speak english too well! :finger::crying:

Rant over time for another glob! ;) :lildab:


Same brand same size but this torch is light years above the last! Better build quality + just for @Hotfire this one has hands free as well!

Flame is much stronger too! Last one took about 20 seconds to heat a cold banger to 500F and this one takes maybe 12! Almost think I need to go buy a smaller one to use to keep bowl at temp cuz this one will heat the bowl 100 degrees in couple seconds and I can’t exactly move it further away since i am always smoking in my bed! Think this torch could cook a chicken nugget from 6’ away it makes so much more heat! :yoinks::hothot::rofl:
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