Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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10 miles drop offs aren't really a thing out here. Sure, they do come in but at that point it's not $4 bucks anymore.. $4 bucks are the close deliveries and I used to take those all day long. More times then not, once they are happy and full you will see a decent tip come through.
Doordash they can’t or at least I haven’t seen it! Only 1 time have i had a doordash tip increased and i was in the car still on my way there when that happened!
my moms $150 of groceries was 2 bags of trail mix, a box of cheez its, a box of lance cheese cracker sandwiches, and a variety box of chips

i...........truly............don't even know how to reply to this :crying::face:ppp

So what you're really saying is... its their density that keeps them small?

fuckin-a jack! :shooty: ppp
Nope not here! Instacart if a customer takes your tip down to $0 they will cover first $10 if customer had no reason for doing it!

My mom knows i delivery drive so she always does good tip when she orders groceries but 2 days ago the guy literally substituted half her order saying was out of stock including butter (like kroger ever sells out of butter) and then never answered my mom when she messaged about substitutions she didn’t want and then to top it off he was obviously pulling multiple orders and dropped wrong order here so my moms $150 of groceries was 2 bags of trail mix, a box of cheez its, a box of lance cheese cracker sandwiches, and a variety box of chips so mom quickly called instacart and they contacted driver and he tried arguing he took the orders to correct house so they refunded her order amd she reduced tip to $.25 so he couldn’t try to get them to cover it! Worst part was i said f it and went to store for her and every single item on her list was in stock! I got nothing against people coming to this country for a better life but if u can’t speak the language u shouldn’t have a job that is 99% reading in english both the app and then the product! If u can’t speak the language and only try to match the picture in app to what u see in front of u can make for a giant headache for whoever ordered!
We live in a very Asian area and I feel you on the substitution thing, they do that to us alot and the guy writes back in Chinese half the time, it blows my mind. For groceries that's a different story, we always tip well and in cash so they get to keep the whole thing. For quick local food less than a few miles we stick to the $3-$5 thing. When we lived closer to downtown we got food stolen so many times even with a good tip, the delivery driver literally drives right past your house and says it's delivered or parks a few houses down and does it that way. I'd rather have people who don't speak English vs People who steal your food. :rofl:
Wild colored mushrooms! Def blue stems and crazy gold caps! Found out I don’t gotta play taxi tomorrow so gonna take these then! Wanna do the lemon juice method but don’t wanna be taking em after 8pm or i will be up late and sleep all day tomorrow! I got shit to do i gotta pay for these dabs i got today! :eyebrows::rofl::lildab:

Cut me a chunk off the big stem cuz was about to eat em til i went back and saw it said soak 30min not 30 seconds! :doh::crying:
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