Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Thought I would share a non Cannabis post, photos of a Northern Goshawk I had the privilege to be with for about 7 years. Goshawks are the largest Accipter in North America, very difficult to obtain, raise and maintain. I got in her 1990 at about 10 days old in a Ponderosa Pine probably close to 60 foot up. Of all the Raptors I have had she was special, very special. Her second outing she made her first kill (Jackrabbit), through our time together she killed many rabbits, misc small game and quail. At the beginning of her second year she started ovulating. I then built a nest box in her housing for her to build a nest. I gathered an enormous amount of twigs for her to build a nest. During this time I helped her with the nest building, actually she did not like my placement of sticks, so I ended up handing them to her and she would place them where she wanted. She layed 3 infertile eggs and incubated them for about 30 days. In her lil mind I was her mate and was expected to help her out, with everything from nest building, brooding and feeding. While she was brooding I had to find a nest of Goshawks to get her a baby to raise, by no means easy, thousands of miles driven and untold miles of hiking to get a baby for her. I got the young birds at about 1 to 5/6 days old, the first one I gave her was scary , went in very early she got off the eggs thinking I was in charge of brooding, while she was off the nest I removed an egg and replace with the lil baby. When she returned to the nest I thought she was going to kill it. She actually footed the poor thing with her foot. At this point in time I am shitting bricks not sure what to do. Never been in this position before. So I started feeding the lil thing and then she took the food from me and started feeding her, I was very grateful. I would try and help her feed the chick, but she did not like my style. For the next four years I got her a baby to raise. I removed her baby's after about 8 weeks, thinking her patients ran out after about 6 weeks LOL.
Not exactly sure how she was able to immediately kill a 5 pound Jackrabbit in seconds, was thinking maybe a talon in the back of its neck or broke their neck but I did not have to help her. The baby's she raised I trained, hunted and released. Moma I released to a special place, and cried for many days. Sorry for the quality of pics. First pic of her at about 14 days old, second pic first year plumage with a kill, third pic 1st. year adult plumage kicking back in the yard, fourth pic her and 4 or 5 week old baby Goshawk.


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Well theyre basically sayn it's a series of complications stemming from my pancreas/ blood sugar. Its hard to believe how swollen my insides get .. its not that nothing treats the swelling it just comes back so fast. Nothing lasts, Like when I was going to the orthopedic they kept saying how they were shocked how after the massage and stretching that before I left the office the swelling was back. Body just starts shutting down little by little. Also kinda feels sad that even feeling like shit being in a hospital is more relaxing than being at home
Has anyone ever taken a class at a community center?

There is one I'm thinking about going to, its for garden plant propagation and the are going to teach cloning too, which I'm sure will be just as applicable to my "tomatoes" as it will be to my "tomatoes".

I want to go, but I'm also a little hesitant like, is it going to be me and then a bunch of crotchety boomers.
Has anyone ever taken a class at a community center?

There is one I'm thinking about going to, its for garden plant propagation and the are going to teach cloning too, which I'm sure will be just as applicable to my "tomatoes" as it will be to my "tomatoes".

I want to go, but I'm also a little hesitant like, is it going to be me and then a bunch of crotchety boomers.
It's an old, rich, house wives club around here. But they're all pretty much master gardeners :pass:
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