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Sawney Beans Predator day 11
All done! Brakes work great and didn’t cost me any labor! If i had a weed smoking mechanic nearby i woulda traded some buds so they could do it cuz my back is fucking killing me now! :yoinks::nono:


Wish i had a torch right about now! :shrug::crying::lildab:
All done! Brakes work great and didn’t cost me any labor! If i had a weed smoking mechanic nearby i woulda traded some buds so they could do it cuz my back is fucking killing me now! :yoinks::nono:

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Wish i had a torch right about now! :shrug::crying::lildab:
They have mechanics that don't smoke weed by you? I bring a joint every time I have to go to the shop :pimp:
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