Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Dealing with stubbon a Bruce Banner. The plant is about ...... uh, 70 days old... doh. I suppose I should have done this sooner, lol. I ended up super cropping the top and switching tents around so I can put her under 12/12. I'll give her a week and if nothing, I will send her outside to a friend's house.

The wife wanted me to BBQ hamburgers, I didn't want to go to town for buns , so I'm baking a loaf of bread and a half dozen hamburger buns. The smells of fresh baking has me drooling big time. :drool:
so basically, what ur sayin is -> they don't even pretend :rofl: ppp
It's kinda hard to pretend when you sink like a rock!
My buddy brought his dog to a party. He was used to swimming with the kids in a small pool in the backyard.

There were other dogs in this big pool and he ran up to it and jumped in the deep end................................. And sunk like a sack of rocks! :face: :funny::funny::funny::haha:

My buddy had his kids to take care of with them screaming their heads off that their dog is drowning! I was ready for swimming, so I just chunked my pants and shoes and jumped in! I grabbed numbskull by the scruff of the neck, Kicked off the bottom towards the edge of the pool and just threw his retarded butt out of the pool in one fluid motion! He landed on his feet about eight feet away from the edge of pool and was looking at me really funny as he was snorting water out of his nose. The way he was looking at me he was asking me...... why is there water coming out of my nose?
He was still sneezing on the way home about three hours later, but I think the little stink was trying to get some sympathy .
That dog was heavy as hell and did not have one freaking ounce of fat on him!

Silly Ass Dog never really paid me much of attention before when I would go over to my buddies house, but after saving his crusty butt, he was always happy as hell to see me! He would come up to me and submit to me being the alpha. It was funny as hell as he would not submit to his master, it would spin him up to see his dog do that!:funny: I'd wrestle with him a little bit then spank him on his ass and tell him to go on........................ The dog, not my friend........... And he'd always get a case of the Zippies in Zoomey's!:funny::funny::funny::funny::funny::haha:

That dog almost ate up a damn burglar at about three o'clock in the morning! My buddy woke up to this guy screaming bloody murder In his kitchen! My buddy come in the kitchen and just about fell over laughing at this burglar! His dog had a mouthful of that burglar's ass! That guy would try to move and the dog would clamp down.
" Please don't let your dog eat my ASS!" What's what my buddy told me the burglar said many many many times over and over!:crying::crying::crying::vibe::vibe:

We worked armed security together and he had a of pair of handcuffs for this burglar.

This was California, so I'm really impressed they didn't try to charge my buddy with a crime!

My buddy said that criminal was a real fat ass! He said there was absolutely no way that dog could have got any more but in his mouth than he did. He says I don't know, but if I didn't know any better I swear that dog was smiling. You can see it in his eyes. Knowing that dog, I can believe that!:crying::crying::crying:

He was a really big broad shoulder and big headed American bulldog. He was still a pup when I threw him out of the pool and he waved way over 100 lbs at that point. He was a massive dog! I definitely wouldn't have wanted to feed him!
Dealing with stubbon a Bruce Banner. The plant is about ...... uh, 70 days old... doh. I suppose I should have done this sooner, lol. I ended up super cropping the top and switching tents around so I can put her under 12/12. I'll give her a week and if nothing, I will send her outside to a friend's house.

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I've got a Fastbuds Gorilla at 82 days just barely showing some flowers.


She'll get there.
I'm almost out of ph down. Went to the auto parts store to get some sulfuric acid and they are on back order, they said they've had an order in with Interstate for almost 6 months now.

Guess I need to order some online.

Plus having issues with my Honda now, @Fermented_Fruitz Thanks bro I think you jinxed me. The VTEC solenoid is going out, its what moved the overhead cam so that the different cam lobs engage above a certain RPM. Well around 3000rpm it fails to engage, and the engine starts bouncing like its hitting a rev limiter.
Heads-up boys and girls. On my search for a new light found this 5% discount code for --> MHEU5
That's 3% more then with the AFN discount code :toke:
Have no idea if it works on the other sites like .com or :shrug:
Made it thru day one! No problem… tomorrow is a 50 acre and a 90 acre. Prelim survey to make sure everything is where it’s supposed to be… and also thank you @Mossy for the reps, definitely relax time now!
And you are doing what!?
And you are doing what!?
Land surveying sir! Mostly residential and boundary in significantly less residential areas. I’m in Northern NY approx 70 miles NE of Syracuse… lots of woods!
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