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That was a tough month, but here you are!

After a life altering accident disabled me in my early 20's, I tried to take solace in benzos and coke. 3 years later I accidentaly o.d.'d and spent 6 weeks in hospital detoxing. Nasty stuff, benzos. Alcohol withdrawal is equally as bad.

Didn’t use anything at all for decades. I learned to grieve and I filled the "void" with nature music and sex before realizing there was no void.

I went back to school to become a certified substance use counsellor and helped other people who's substance use was interfering with life. (For the record I am a proponent of harm reduction) I eventually moved on to study and practice other types of counseling.

Now I use weed medicinally every day (I admit it's also fun) and occasionally shrooms to help reset aspects of PTSD that emerge. No desire for tranqs or cocaine.

*for those who don't know, harm reduction is not necessarily abstinence. It can be using less toxic alternatives ie weed instead of booze or weed instead of morphine etc; using less or using less often; practicing safe sex; wearing your seatbelt; getting street drugs tested; providing clean gear for iv users, etc. Harm reduction.
Much respect bro 6 weeks = PTSD. I cheated was under induced coma no feelings of withdrawal. Unlike others here who did it the hard way. Like said the human body is resilient and will repair itself, no sign of cirrhosis and my liver is functioning normally. The hep c treatment is a life saver.leaving alcohol was by far one of the best decisions I ever made. After about 45 years of drinking I don’t think I could have quit cold turkey. I to use Cannabis daily helps a lot with multiple issues.
I don't see how. Others testified Baldwin kept overriding her on safety issues even alluding her job was on the line at times. And he's still walking around free. :goodluck: with the eye brother. I've been an eye patch wearer for 23+ years now and some days it's my best friend. I prefer the patches that have padding inside since they keep the patch from rubbing on the soft skin under my eye. But they freak people out more then the regular black patch. Even a cheap black patch from any drug store will give the good eye and my brain a breather from overworking from dealing with the other eye. Weed also helps a ton with the nerves in my eyes. But if you got any questions or whatever just hit me up :pass:
Im cool. Got 30 hours in so far this week. Tryn to get a full week in... Boss offered me some cash to take the van to the body shop so im waiting for an estimate. Been here an hour and a half and they said 20 minutes. Still got an hour of driving to go get me n aunt cheaper smokes out in the burbs
I start back on Monday… not sure if I’m glad or not lol but I know I’m gonna be in a world of hurt for the first week or two. Been lazy this lay-off… no snow to shovel lol
Much respect bro 6 weeks = PTSD. I cheated was under induced coma no feelings of withdrawal. Unlike others here who did it the hard way. Like said the human body is resilient and will repair itself, no sign of cirrhosis and my liver is functioning normally. The hep c treatment is a life saver.leaving alcohol was by far one of the best decisions I ever made. After about 45 years of drinking I don’t think I could have quit cold turkey. I to use Cannabis daily helps a lot with multiple issues.
This sounds like my friend in a way, he had bad infection from teeth. Big opioid addiction… felt bad and collapsed , coma in hospital for 3 weeks and woke up not wanting anymore. No alcohol, or opiates, just weed now. :goodluck: with the eye brother. I've been an eye patch wearer for 23+ years now and some days it's my best friend. I prefer the patches that have padding inside since they keep the patch from rubbing on the soft skin under my eye. But they freak people out more then the regular black patch. Even a cheap black patch from any drug store will give the good eye and my brain a breather from overworking from dealing with the other eye. Weed also helps a ton with the nerves in my eyes. But if you got any questions or whatever just hit me up :pass:
Yeah, I still get lil flashes of color and or movement, just from behind several curtains......kind of annoying trying to ignore it.
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