Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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U better hope so! If not be a bit of a chore to fill it at the sink! :shrug::oops1:

edit.....................The only negative to this system is that if you connect it to the smart controller, the humidistat with the controller will dictate the humidity and not the one that came with the humidifier.
And really the only reason to do that is just for the ease of management within the app. All I will be doing with this is just setting the humidity that I want. No other timers or anything like that needs to be involved.

edit.....................The only negative to this system is that if you connect it to the smart controller, the humidistat with the controller will dictate the humidity and not the one that came with the humidifier.
And really the only reason to do that is just for the ease of management within the app. All I will be doing with this is just setting the humidity that I want. No other timers or anything like that needs to be involved.

U know i am too lazy to watch a video! Just give us da cliffs notes! ;):crying:
It works really really well and produce lots of mist
Lmao i am talking about how u fill it tho! Thats literally the main thing i care about! I had 1 humidifier i got with like a 7L tank and it wasn’t top fill style and it was an annoying pain in the ass to refill and put tank back on and i returned it in under 2 weeks I remember that much! Top fill is where its at but I didn’t see a spot that opened on top to add water! Only saw the spot where the tube for the vapor coming out is and don’t see it getting filled from there but guess its possible cuz with that design it needs to be made in a way that when it shuts off all the vapor stuck in that pipe that condenses back into solid water droplets will need to be able to fall back into unit safely or the tube will leak after shut off same as my crappy inkbird one with a hose the vapor comes out of!
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