Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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$22,500 in tipz alone

Just the TIP?!


but dude, that still comez out to $22,500 in tipz alone :yoinks: quite simply, i'm left........speechless :eek1: ppp
This is one of these "salt bae" restaurants with the guy that drops salt on his elbows for old rich women. Gold wrapped steaks and shit. That's a nice bar tab though :cheers:
So I put into the AI generator to create a Super Nintendo cartridge with a pixelated pot farmer on it.


You guys ever feel like AI has been looking at your browser history?

Yeah me neither.
11G's with the exchange rate. Don't know about you, but don't think I'd turn down a Louis and Petrus if someone's buy-in!
Just prey they don’t dine and dash and leave u holding the bag! ;) :yoinks::crying:
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