Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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I don't know, but they look like they would kind of slip off to me. They may work well though.
Maybe I hope not but that would be my luck didn't think they looked much different from the ones you use. They don't have the ridges on the center pivot like yours but they also don't have to be taken apart to adjust:toke::shrug:
Maybe I hope not but that would be my luck didn't think they looked much different from the ones you use. They don't have the ridges on the center pivot like yours but they also don't have to be taken apart to adjust:toke::shrug:
If they slip just put a piece of plant tie wire around….
If they slip just put a piece of plant tie wire around….
If they slip just put a piece of plant tie wire around….

i could soooo ezily make a joke here.....sumthin to do with duct tape.....but i won't :angel: ppp
Frank :toke: it'z up to 67, sunny & calm in the heartland....they're sayin 70'z next week :yoinks: :cooldance: :headbang: ppp
Come to California they said, it's warm they said... :face:

Hate this weather cause rh stays around 62%, cmon @Frankthetank share some of that sun, you're hogging it all!
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