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Well, this is from July 3rd of last year.
Vidamints and RootBeerFloat
They have been....................

Curing for six months


Tonight I will test

I think my first Test will be ingesting orally. To see if the cobbing actually did his intended purpose and decarbed the cannabis, this will be the best method to see if the cobbing actually worked.
So I'm gonna just wing the test. I don't know how much to actually take, but it's gonna be a nice little hunk!:eyebrows:
I guess for scientific purposes, I'll go ahead and break my scale out to measure how much I take.

Don't mind the color, it's much darker than that.
That was my attempt at catching some of the sparkly parts!
All those little white parts are sparkles!

So I have already started with the test. I just did a one gram chunk.
As far as the texture goes, I guess it's kinda like that fake jerky made from plants. I'm kinda just chewing on it a bit and sucking the juices. Maybe kind of like a chew of tobacco.
You know it's cannabis, but the taste is not really offensive at all. I like to taste of cannabis.
I guess we'll see in a while!
It may be psychosomatic or it might actually be working as sublingual, but I can feel a 'touch' right now.

Mango Mrr, Strawberry Milk and Qookies, and 24 Carat Day 18 girls got a haircut today will also give the boxes some water there about dry thinking I’ll just do a light watering and put the covers on then put them on the Rez this week :headbang::toke::lildab:


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