Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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That would be my choice for music.
For comedy, I want to See Red Skelton for one last show. I saw Red in one of his last stage shows in 87or 88 at Ft Worth. Mom got the tickets and surprised me with them. I was downtown Ft Worth the day of the show at a hotel to schedule a boiler internal inspection and do the external. I'm waiting at the front counter and in comes Red being pushed around in a wheelchair He and his little troupe came to the front desk to get his messages, funny to say that today.
He was about 15ft away. "Mr Skelton! My family and I will be at your show tonight! We never missed any of your shows when I was a kid!" He motions me over and hold out a hand to shake. I shake his hand and he places his other hand over mine and says, Thank you for your fandom over the years and for coming to my show tonight. I hope you will enjoy it." He really was a very kind and genuine person.
My stomach muscles hurt from laughing so much! He went waaaaaaay over the scheduled time! He was having fun! I think part of it was that he just didn't want to stop. I think he had two or three more shows left.
Regular people I'd like to see the most...................DUH! My Dad!

I loved Red Skelton Bill. I was young and he would be on Johnny Carson or some other variety show. Jonathan Winters, Rip Taylor,Don Rickles, Foster Brooks....
Hey forgot to add thanks for the Rep. I appreciate it!
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Cannabis Fixes Brain Blips.....

uh, wanna bet-? :rofl: ppp

he thinks I should be sectioned if I am under the impression that mushrooms will help people's mental state :crying:

:crying: ppp

And Why the Big Embargo on getting High/Happy anyway....?.....Who are the Fun Police.....?
I Bet more people take days off work with alcohol hangovers than cannabis hangovers......:headbang:

:yeahthat: :face: ppp
Musho Appreciated.......... :crying:

me see what u did there :biggrin: ppp

Lots of good stuff. Look how THC and THCV are so freaking close but that side chain is shortened from 5 carbons to 3.
And how close CBD is to THC yet how different (but similar) the effects are.
View attachment 1558453

:dizzy: ppp
uh, wanna bet-? :rofl: ppp

:crying: ppp

:yeahthat: :face: ppp

me see what u did there :biggrin: ppp

View attachment 1558518 :dizzy: ppp
They say all that shit works in your body like a key in a lock. So it's kinda just like holding up to two keys and eyeballing how much they look like they line up. It's a trip how little changes can make big differences.

And look no math hahahahaha
Morning rosaB :pass::headbang:

@BCBudlady View attachment 1558442 ...rolled and ready for you Fancy a bit of dried garden mint in......I Find it a Menthol joint..... :pass: .
oooh..menthol joint…that would be excellent about now. Was a non/menthol cig smoker for 20 years, but enjoyed a bummed menthol as a treat.
Still trimming that gargantuan photoperiod Purple OG Punch…day 3 of trim. Another very good reason to grow dragons. They get whole hang, in jars and use as needed….no gifts….perfect for an old lady to manage.
Missing the herb garden about now. Had to PAY for basil this week.
200+ notifications for me this morning, yall sure know how to make a girl feel loved lol. #3 stayed home today, she went to bed with a headache last night that hasn't gone away yet and she just called me in to tell me that it hurts to move. I gave her some Tylenol and instructions to get a snack and hydrate and now she's curled up on the beanbag with the dogs watching TV downstairs. No fever or anything so I'm not sure what's up, but her description sounds achey like growing pains or like it's from the weather. Weather here has been more bipolar than I am so that wouldn't surprise me, my joints hurt as well. Really probably need to get around to running a cbd for her sooner or later, though all three of them have been doing a low dose of melatonin before bed since coming back from winter break and that seems to have helped a ton with them getting to and staying asleep.
I have taken to making chocolates again... keto now... no sugar...
I use canna... decarb in the overn at 250 for 1 hour... then add a little coco oil (mostly so the choco will pour into ice sube trays)....
preheat coco oil and chcocolate.. blend canna REAL fine in a blender... then add heated choco... blend well.. then pur into ice cube trays...
Yes.. lectithin helps efficacy about 50% better feect.... I need to get a new bottle.. lost it when I moved.. but it was expensive as I remember. cheers!
Sunflower lecithin works best and the healthiest option. Per oz of canna, 1 T. into the coco oil.
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