I was brought up to mast for popping one of those puppy ensigns when he grabbed me and tried forcing me to enter a space I was doing the gas free testing on.....Captain looked at him with a smirk and told him "My people know their jobs, you need to learn yours, report to engineering for duty" and we were given a list of the "jobs" he needed to learn.
I had an encounter with a CO of a 688 class attack sub. He TRIED to give me an order to sign off a step in a controlled work package that wasn't done properly yet. I replaced the bushings to the RC containment door and was shimming it and taking lead wire crush readings. He was an arrogant ass and had some misconceptions about his boat and his powers to issue orders.
He kept calling the RC containment door, a watertight door. There's no compartmental flood control on a 688 class sub, unlike the previous 637.class, tiny ass doors! You can't shut it and expect to control the flooding enough for the non-flooded side to operate the boat to come to the surface. It's sole purpose is to control any Radcon breach in the primary side of the nuke plant.
He had me escorted off his boat. I just went to my Division officer just in time to go to the afternoon sub squadrons and Subase Pearl meeting. My CO and the Squadron CO wasn't too happy with my update and what the sub's CO tried to issue non-legal orders and his misconception of the containment door's actual function. I stressed this misconception and his efforts to circumvent the SubSafe QA system. I made the comment that if 'Uncle Hymie', Admirial Hyman Rickover, the father of the Navy nuclear power program, was still active, his position as CO would be highly suspect. Rickover was a very eccentric, but highly intelligent man. At one time, he approved every single officer aboard a nuclear-powered vessel. He hated
assumptions. This officer assumed he knew the function of his door and what he could issue as orders. Assumptions get you in trouble in nuke plants and subs.
That did get a Spock eyebrow raising by the Squadron CO. So after the meeting was over, the CO was sent for. I kinda felt sorry for him, but he did double down on stupid. The Squadron CO chewed his ass from left to right and up and down. He made the CO apologize to me for giving me such hell and for booting me off his boat.
My division officer at the time was a warrant officer that came from an enlisted engineering rate. A great Get the job done kinda guy that you could count on. When we went back to his office, he broke out a bottle of really good single malt Scotch and offered me a drink. Seems this boat CO had been riding his ass about several jobs before this crap came up. He made me shop LPO after the first shot. LOL!
I held that position as an E5 for about 9 months until we got a E7 to fill the billet. That dude turned out to be a burned out alcoholic bubblehead control freak. He lasted less than 3 months! He's lucky they let him retire.