Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

Not open for further replies. is a Long time since we rattled the #AFNSwearBox at's a bit Light.......:eyebrows:
Got to stir the pot alittle. The radio show I listen to in the morning played that and made me wanna share it. I get a good laugh everytime i hear it.
I was basically the one doing the training....I really enjoyed running the lights out OBA when the officers had to do it....or when they got in my way during a drill.
Yeah, that could be quite enjoyable. I remember plowing this one Bull ensign. He got between me and the gun locker. He and I never got along after that.:crying:
So what are u wanting the mct oil for exactly?? Were u gonna use it straight or what? I hope to god u weren’t gonna bake with it? Coconut oil is so much more versatile and u can get it in a liquid form if u don’t want it to solidify at room temp so u could easily add a measuring droppers worth into coffee or u can use in place of oil in recipes baking! I use the stuff that is solid at room temp but i added a big spoonful to a cup of hot chocolate and was enough oil i slurped down that it upset my stomach and had it rumbling something fierce! If u are just gonna use for coffee or take a dropper full straight down your gullet use as little oil as possible! Since u will lose a bit each time when u strain it u need to plan for that! I would try to do just enough oil to cover the buds plus a lil smidge extra for what u will lose! :d5:

What method u gonna do for straining it after infusion??

was going to start with gummies and and branch off from there. Thought everyone was using the mct oil for that???? Could maybe have been stoned and misread something.....????
Buster was in the lap when I let go a SBD, lol,,,, all of a sudden he lifts his head, shakes it, sneezed and took off like his tail was on fire! lol, poor guy but funny as all heck!
was going to start with gummies and and branch off from there. Thought everyone was using the mct oil for that???? Could maybe have been stoned and misread something.....????
I personally use coconut oil for gummies cause the taste is kinda neutral. I think bad Kat and others recommend adding in sunflower lecithin too cause it helps create an emulsion so that oil and water sort of mix (emulsify). And I think she claims it increases oral bioavailability I personally can't speak to that.

But if it's true as she claims then your body "sees/uses" more of what is there b/c it's available to it so that the effect is you'd feel more with less mg/kg
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