Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Bull in a china shop :toke: but I stuck it up through the bottom and the resin in there was too sticky still.. I wasn’t using ISO (mistake) so when I went to pull it back out all the cotton stayed in side just haven’t taken to time to try to get out:oops1:
Damn! No dry q-tips!
LOL,, I did the same, I removed the glass portion from its bottom and filled the glass up with iso, eventually with a little agitation I was able to snag it out with a piece of fine wire, best done when straight.....
Ya after the fact i realized @Talonxracer shoulda got that mini 1 as he uses the mini unicorn! ;) :rofl:
Nope, I am a big boy and use the full size Unicorn, and no bodies going to take that brilliant setup you found for me away from me damit!
Check Cultivators section...... :headbang:

um, ok, but....that'z a big section :rofl: :doh: if there'z a specific thread that explainz the use of picz by vendorz, plz post a link to it here & tag all cultivatorz so they can read it & be aware ;) :thanks: ppp
What did I do to deserve to the short shorts :doh:


Them hooves for hands are amazeballs! :rofl:
Hard to operate the rig in it tho!

Or this 1 may be more appropriate;)

No seahorse onesies tho! :( :crying:
$864 commission check on a dig i did completely by myself. Except for bringing in the pipe

I didn't take pics after I repaired it idk. I zinc rolled (instead of lead) a new cast iron quarter bend and transitioned to clay all that pipe and put in a clean out. I dragged all that dirt out all the gravel in and did a kick ass job on the concrete. And I did it in less than 3 days. 21 hours... 2 guys estimate this at 27 hrs. in labor +5 hrs in travel for material+ material at $125/hr. This is bullshit
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